Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Life Show

The entry gate pass did not come in easy

Multiple challenges followed on the way

Responsibilities made indulgence a rarity

The road to the stage did not come with clarity

The choice to comply with Nature’s Universal laws

The experience of feeling the young ones up & close

The pleasure involved in shaping their independence

The feelings of déjà vu in observing them get off the fence

The gratification in observing their growth and success

The contentment in observing them building their own nest

The daily duties in life may have seemed to over time recede

The conscience does not permit one to be selfish and proceed

The group dynamics may draw one to still want to contribute

The mind and will power may prod but the body may refute

The expectations of one’s creation may still possibly be sky high

The soul attachment may yet lead one to silently bear the blow

The inner mechanism may seem to be tearing one completely apart

The conflict of love and sacrifice may yet lead one to silently pull the cart

The external persona may not reflect the dynamics within one’s life

The facade of joy and enthusiasm may make one silently bear the strife

The entry to the grounds brought one in tune with the larger world

The joy of observing and connecting with a homogenous herd

The life seemed to have completed a full circle and planets seem to align

It is a complete package and one’s actions influences the glowing star shine!

Blessings and Bliss

It is such a joyful moment, when you are blessed with a bundle of joy

The innocent natural responses needs you to react and adopt a diverse ploy

It may take some time to sink in that you have contributed to its conception

It may take a life time to enjoy and experience the uniqueness of your creation

The soul has selected you and has placed its complete faith in your competence

It may seem that fundamentals in life has changed but it is not a coincidence

The time was ripe for you to start co-contributing to your role in Nature’s history

It may take life-times but it is not yet easy to take a position on the Universal mystery

The laughter and cries of the divine creation need you to remain calm yet constantly engage

The urge to satisfy all their needs and be the best parent tests your mental fortitude and courage

The inner conflicts of self doubt and audacity may yet test your resolve and positive intent

The Universe feeds you the energy that you may long for and reward you with patience abundant

The material world opens its arms wide and welcomes the new set of foot print to write its own chapter

The environment will be crucial to shape its destiny and more specifically to shape its character

The zeal and momentum needs to be sustained and one may never realize how years accumulate

One can look back with satisfaction on one’s contribution when you proactively ink Destiny’s fate!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine Date

The net was long since cast with an extra-large sized bait
The hopes were very strong to attract my soul mate
Time passed by and I was perfectly fine and willing to wait
There were times though when I thought only I was late

The days sped by and years began to accumulate
Well-wishers suggestions began to recede of late
It seemed they had accepted it as my own fate
I was yet positive of meeting up with destiny’s date

Time passed me by as I was living in my own small world
The bees and the birds may have found me to be weird
Lost in my thoughts and not yet entrapped in the herd
I though looked at my life incidents as the flight of the bird

The Universe was consciously enacting its part in the play
Testing moments at regular intervals made me fervently pray
The Divine forces collaborated to ensure they have the final say
The invite was sent to facilitate my easy entry and join in the fray

The pact with destiny is now sealed and a new chapter will unfold
The first steps have been taken and I need to let go of my old mould
I pretend to be bold as I begin the journey to partner my soul mate
I though can now positively say that I have found my Valentine Date!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Radical Spirit - Move Your Glacier

A child is born, happiness in the family
Initial Enthusiasm, then steps in Monotony
Initial pampering, then the tampering,
Start of the journey to live a mechanical existence

Charged up Spirit aims to bring about change
Curiosity to learn and do all that comes within range
Never a doubt of limitations on what one can absorb
Questioning relevance of the same makes heart throb

Difficult to tie down an inspired radical spirit
Not the one to cow down to pressures one bit
Manipulation of any order may force them to quit
Loss of the Universe for success in creating more shit

Another chance to decide your own contribution
Move beyond respiration and counts of frustration
No need to search for external beads of inspiration
One just needs to move beyond the initial hesitation

It is your only life and you are responsible for every choice
No option to pass the buck and ignore the persistent inner voice
Conscious life beyond material existence may be full of pleasure
No ready prescription pill exists and only you can move your glacier!