There are many moments when you are calm and at peace but you suddenly lose your anger
There may have been some trigger that was non-existent but made your mind to wander
You lose control over your emotions and the environment around you changes radically
The negative vibes that seem to surround you even impacts those not even related remotely
There are moments when one enters a room and you sense a feeling of warmth and peace
There are also moments when one enters a room and you lose your feeling of peace and quiet
There are some people whom you meet who provide a sense of comfort that provides relief
There are some people whom you meet who upset your poise and create a sense of grief
There are thoughts that create self doubts and make you ignore your own potential
There are thoughts that pre-occupy that may not motivate you to take effort substantial
There are people around who may drag you down and you may decide to let go your dreams
There are also people around who may show you possibilities and your efforts gather steam
One needs to remember that your thoughts in your mind dictate how you make decisions
One needs to remember the decisions that you make contributes to a life of differentiation
One needs to remember your discerning sense of judgment contributes to your life position
One needs to remember your eventual life position contributes to depression or elation
One needs to let go negative emotions and avoid the environment filled with negative energy
One needs to embrace positive thoughts and create an ambience filled with positive synergy
One needs to look at the brighter picture and look out for the positive in any given situation
One will realize that a basic change in outlook has the power to convert you into a fatal attraction!
A boss of mine told me this once:
Always surround yourself with successful people. By success he did not just mean people that are financially well off but people that are rich in their outlook towards life and wear optimism and positive thinking on their sleeves. Sooner or later, their positivity and success would rub off on you.
It has been proven beyond doubt that there is a strong mind-body-sould connection. Conditioning oneself to only absorb positive thoughts and reflect to the environment may take time but worth the effort.
One's life should not be evaluated by oneself but by those around us. A simple analogy what would you be attracted towards - a garden full of bright and beautiful flowers or a garbage can that lets out stench!
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