I constantly wonder like so many before me does our existence really matter
How many of us remember those before us or even amidst us in our daily chatter
Some of us may argue about the lasting contributions of leaders impacting future generation
Others may argue about the acts being a thing of the past and people now lacking innovation
The larger question still remains unanswered about out contribution to this planet
As we live out our lives all of us eventually know that at some time our sun will set
Many a time we demonstrate a larger than life reality that stinks of self importance
In the larger scheme of Universal valuation is our contribution worth a couple of cents
We have come alone and eventually one day will also have to depart all alone
As we live out this journey we spend our time indulging in acts not cast in stone
There are times we commit deeds for which we then decide to consciously atone
It is a known fact that all the money in the world can never replace a soul that has flown
As we live our life we undergo various stages of transition from a child to an elderly man
We face and react to multiple demands made on us as we live out our pre-decided life span
We indulge in the rat race and compete for attention that appears insipid on hind sight
We lack the maturity to avoid meaningless interests rather than focus on the wisdom light
Would accumulating wealth demonstrate the ultimate power of man in this material world?
Would wielding power demonstrate the ultimate influence of man amongst his known herd?
Would possessing more knowledge signal a competitive advantage to allow self to be heard?
Would indulging in acts that please the majority signal your arrival in a newly wired world?
During this limited life span we live a life-style that proudly proclaims our various tastes
We spend time multi-tasking on various fronts jumping from one task to the other in haste
We indulge in buying possessions that we use and throw that eventually turn out to be waste
We spend time building networks and relationships that may eventually meet a sorry fate
What is the true measure of a man who walks this planet in the midst of a couple of billions?
What is the true measure of a contribution of man who is born in poverty or son of a scion?
What is the true impact that man has on this world in the context of the land he inhabits?
What is the true value addition that man leaves behind as he departs on his final flight?
When one truly reflects on one’s existence in terms of the larger universal landscape
One may be better able to let go of one’s developed ego that engulfs him in an illusory drape
One can better grasp the worldly realities and accept and respect all humans across races
One can live a more virtuous and enriching life truly filled with blessings and grace!
In the larger scheme of things we are just a speck and our existence probably barely matters; atleast to the Universe. The irony is that man's ego blinds him to this fact.
Speaking of our existence....."Save the World", "Save the Planet" etc are nothing more than man's ego of escaping from this reality. The universe could care less about our existence and will continue to exist or cease at it's own discretion. May it's time someone coins "Save the Human Species"....
That's an reality that we can ill afford to not acknowledge our mortality.
But I still strongly feel that irrespective of whether or not the future generation remembers or forgets whatever we have done, that is not something that should ever guide our actions taken today. Whatever is the need of the hour as per experience should be the guiding reference point for us to take necessary action while balancing the present and future and more importantly demonstrate commitment towards.
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