Wednesday, January 1, 2014


The hard disk has been reformatted and the desktop screensaver has now a clean slate
It is difficult to fathom the files that got created over time that was adding on to the weight
It is all too easy to overlook our self conduct when in moments of despair we blame our fate
Every moment has the depth of meaning when it conveys that for a new start it is never too late

It is not just a paternalistic advice when it is said that we need to let go events of the past
The miracles of this world are proof enough of our limited understanding of potential that can be vast
Every moment needs to be absorbed in entirety and we need to stay alert and be fully present
It is reality that gets spoken when it is said that we have taken a mortal form that is purely on rent

The moments in history are captured in our timelines and we seek out occasions to unite and celebrate
It may be all the more ecstatic if we could weed out negative emotions and move into proactive state
We have found reasons to delay decisions and actions in the guise of waiting for the right time
It is for naught that elders berate the acts of procrastination by when many have lost their prime

Time is slipping by and it is imperative that we realize and accept responsibility for every action
We have all the chances to speak up and act wisely rather than end up feeling a victim of coercion
The consistency of the never ending waves have been cultivated over time with practice and persistence
The synchronicity of the Universe needs to be understood with respect and not be an act of social pretence

It is again a new welcome start to our time calendar and we need to make the right choices
We need to have the strong conviction and stay focused on our dreams and avoid distraction
We need to believe that we can author the plot of our story and we need to visualize our outcome
We need to trust the Universe as it comes together to help us re-write history in our life sojourn!


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