Just what is communication questions the ever agile and curious mind
Why to communicate question both the naive and one blessed with the brain
One may reflect on the channels of communication that one can use to perfection
One may have diverse view points on quantum and depth of content in creation
There are some who prefer to remain solitary and avoid the ways of the world
The objective defines the outcomes whether it reflects vice or qualities of one wise
There are some who prefer to be always in the midst of people developing relations
They may draw energy in a crowd that may give them a sense of joy and elation
There are those who prefer to be in constant touch with others
Some may prefer the personal touch to that of the written word
It may be a personal preference or a creature of time and circumstance
Life is not always perfect and misunderstanding may leave one heated on the fence
There are those whose first preference is the spoken word
They would much rather enjoy physical preference when being heard
They can understand the other’s emotions as they openly speak
There is no hidden meaning and agenda that makes his position weak
There are those who are fairly comfortable with the written word
They may not be able to express themselves with their vocal chord
They may not be able to demonstrate patience if they are not heard
They may crave freedom to be like a live bird and fly away from their herd
There are those who prefer to speak yet choose the transparent written word
It may be a choice or compromise to highlight their position when others play hard
There are times when others are not willing to talk and be a sounding board
Situations forces one to pen down thoughts that may even eventually get sore
In any channel of communication there is always a receiver and giver
Each one may catch on a signal that may suit his given frequency
Each one may decode pieces of information as per their powers of absorption
There are times when complexity of feelings and emotion necessitate mediation
There are hardly any people who enjoy conflicts in communication
It is an aching drain when one has to face stinging words of accusation
It can be less painful if one can reduce subjectivity in interpretation
In essence, the impact of message is only as good as the quality of transmission!
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