The world seems to revolve around the important currency
It is no wonder that people are always bound by urgency
There is no time to greet and speak with the man alive
Some regret and make their presence felt later at the funeral
When man calls for help one evaluates his future role and need
The math is done about potential gain/loss in moments of speed
The probes are done and the brain feeds on data that is systematically shred
Within moments decisions are taken to let him bleed or caringly feed him bread
The man ever on cross roads with mind churning may not leave a pleasant odour
His loaded pockets may just help his cause to avoid become a piece of live fodder
There are many things that currency can buy and put a stop to shrills and cry
It may have constraints though to extract one from self created situations of deep fry
One may wonder at the ways of the world where even blood relations develop cold feet
Many a time it comes to light that outcome differs to the dance and rhythm of currency beat
It seems so ironic that a tool designed to help one better navigate the choppy waters of illusion
Actually swallows you down under highlighting growing impermanence of any safety cushion
One may wonder at the ways of the world that increasingly shows neither spine nor heart
It does not come as surprise though that man to safeguard his interest leaves nothing to fate
He willingly bites the bait as life throws testing moments churning emotions of love and hate
In his quest for greatness it hardly matters that relationships of old may need to cut a sorry face!
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