Many folks before they commit to an action do think of possible consequences
It does sound logical since it makes them prepared to handle any circumstances
To some it seems a way to pre-empt situations and be placed in a better position
To others it seems a strategic pill to be taken in the absence of any magic potion
Many a time people over-analyze and give external factors too much weight
Some have a habit to consult the general public who are least interested in your fate
Some seem to worry about the opinions of people who may not have any stake
Others seem too obsessed with their perception and avoid starting off on a new slate
The marketers may be at their savvy best in trying to trying to address unmet needs
The developers may work on programs aimed to better interface with technology feeds
The trainers may conceptualize interventions after evaluating target audience needs
The production and operations folks team up to ensure that the unit does not bleed
To get the elevation you desire there are times you need to lift your own game
To develop the big picture perspective you need to consign your fears to the flame
You may have to introspect and question your intrinsic motivation and attitude
Overlooking the Universal reaction may just help you take action and gain altitude!
So, have you stopped worrying about your audience and willing to move forward with your ideas on writing and exposing your writings/poems to the general public outside of your immediate comfort zone?
The counter comments signal arrival of change!
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