Monday, December 5, 2011

Change of Flow

Many a time there are sudden changes in life’s direction
Some may be positive and others may be a difficult transition
Many events may seem to be a disruption during occurrence
Some can never ever be written-off despite lack of recurrence

The change of flow may catch one by shock or welcome surprise
The ability to act and maintain composure is akin to the roll of dice
The knack of managing emotions comes from life experiences
The ability to sustain momentum needs one to get off the fence

Many a time we resist the change of flow even if irreversible
It may be wiser to be accommodating and keep one more flexible
Many a time we argue and remain adamant and inflict self cruelty
It is nothing but our individual frailty to not acknowledge reality

Many a time we may need to relook at our relationships of old
We may be holding on to memories that may no longer hold
Many a stubborn attachment makes it difficult to let go the past
We may neither enjoy the present nor recognize the future vast

It may help to learn from the lessons imparted by elders and seers
It may be better to reflect and go beyond the surface level ear
It may take time to sort out the clutter and go beyond one’s inner frights
It may be time well spent if it helps one live with clarity of insights!