Sunday, September 14, 2008

Birth of a Child

It just seemed to be another of those moments
But unwittingly it was the start of a new journey
A new life was growing within that signaled a new turn
A first time entry into a reality that knew no looking back

The end of freedom regards my preferences of wrong and right
It was difficult to comprehend about others feelings for my plight
It was the start of the end for my periodic fantasies of flight
Reality was staring back at me as if challenging my might

The first few days were spent in a mix of anxiety and joy
The advice from close ones came thick and fast similar to a ploy
Wisdom comes with experience though each one is unique
As I learnt that the baby steps into parenthood needed a cast lined up every week

The pathologist were ready with their reports on my blood count
The gynecologist monitored the progress and ensured that my stress did not mount
The dietician provided advice regards the recommended diet ignoring my pleas
The friendly physician was ever present with tidbits worth the time spent

The first few months passed away and fortunately was incident free
Which I later discovered seemed like a boon from the wish fulfilling tree
I began to wonder at all the piece of advice coming all around my way
I largely seemed skeptical regards their relevance in my self induced play

Little did I know that nature always has the last say
Every action has a reaction just like night follows day
As the months progressed the baby seemed to tighten its iron grip
Moments seemed hours and now I was ready to try out every tip

The day was fast approaching and my feet were slowly giving away
There was no choice of whether or not to decide on putting my food away
The liquid intake was just as necessary as my increased trips to be free
The loss of control regards my movement seemed to be the ultimate decree

It seemed to be another day when there was a sharp never experienced pain
It seemed the world was going around and my cries were going in vain
I could not think of any emotions other than disdain as I begin to go insane
When life seemed to turn around in a moment and washed away all my strain

The baby was out and it seemed that I was a free bird completely light
When the first breath and cry of the baby was a joy to my sight
A journey had ended but the flowering of the baby was just the start
A start of a binding relationship that no other experience can forever part!

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