Monday, August 16, 2010


One can only appreciate the true value of Independence when you have been denied freedom
Many folks have over the ages lost their lives fighting for their rights and gained martyrdom
The cause may vary for different individuals and the challenges may trigger varied reactions
The folks who are bound by self-created or external chains let loose a barrage of emotions

Many a time the lack of financial freedom denies people the right to live a decent lifestyle
Many a time the lack of good health and fitness denies people the right to even walk a mile
Many a time the lack of basic education denies people the right to work up to their potential
Many a time the lack of basic shelter denies people the right to safety from hostile weather

Many a time basic lack of awareness may deny one the wisdom of local and cultural tradition
Many a time lack of maturity in the environment may expose one to religious manipulation
Many a time the lack of effective timely support system may expose one to face exploitation
Many a time basic lack of basic awareness of self rights may expose you to social persecution

Many a time the lack of parents denies children from experiencing the joy of childhood
Many a time the lack of children denies parents from experiencing the joy of parenthood
Many a time the challenges faced at an early age may deny people to enjoy their adulthood
Many a time the challenges faced during middle and old age makes causes one to regularly brood

Many a time lack of valour to express your opinion makes you susceptible to gross violation
Many a time lack of openness to change makes you susceptible to operate under compulsion
Many a time lack of courage to question makes you implicitly belief those with qualification
Many a time lack of self belief makes you less aware of the liberty to practice your vocation

It is imperative that man takes self-efforts to understand the rights under the Constitution
It is imperative that man supports self and others from facing any nature of discrimination
It is imperative the need to understand the laws of the land should come from self volition
It will ensure a better life free from restriction and empower one to find a sense of direction!


Anonymous said...

True. When we get things without asking or experiencing some sort of pain to attain the same, we take everything for granted. We feel we have the right to get whatever we want as per our desired timelines.

We fail to take into account the challenges that others may be facing. One turns into a heartless soul only bothered about self-needs. Many a time I have seen people not bothered at all for other's needs.

It is akin to a man ten feet away from an ambulance expressing his frustration at the traffic by honking his horn. He is completely oblivious of the patient in the ambulance who may be fighting for his life and the efforts being taken by the driver to reach him to the hospital in the shortest time.

In a capitalist world and the way it is evolving, one may like to call it the survival of the fittest. However the reality is that rich get more richer and the socialist philosophy of caring for the downtrodden is being completely trampled and torn apart. It is difficult on the way the world will resemble 10 years down the road! I truly wish every human on this planet will have independence on every front.

Cheeers..... Mahesh

Anonymous said...

The only Independence that I see folks of my age talking about is financial independence and freedom to stay away from their parents and avoid their undue influence.

I don't even think that people are any less bothered about the Independence Day/Republic Day and pretty much treat it as a holiday to chill out, away from work routines!

I would be keen to know how it is in other countries abroad.



John, I couldn't agree with you more. And if independence day falls on the long weekend (akin to the US way of declaring holidays to create long weekends)in India...I can plan a nice little travel trip!!

To better understand the impact of what freedom or the lack of it does to an individual/society/nation; I would highly recommend reading:

What is the What- The Autobiography of Valentino Achek Deng By Dave Eggers