Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Desire

It so very often starts with a small wish
The need for variety beyond the routine dish
The saturation with the affairs of the present
The dreams for a reality better than today’s dent

The images from the past is difficult to let go
The outcomes achieved through one’s persisting plough
The outside world seems to be so very hollow
The expectations from self does not reduce the blow

The achievements of the past all seems a haze
The ways of the world keeps one ever in the gaze
Day or night one is ever fighting the blaze
One finds it difficult to come out of the maze

Life exhibits a face not necessarily at a set pace
One may need to brace oneself to be just in the race
The patterns may not repeat in the cycles of time
The call of the conscience needs patience sublime

It may not be easy to convince the world
The personal choices may not reflect ways of the herd
One’s priorities may no longer demonstrate a trend
One can ill afford to be in denial as one faces the bend

The decisions and consequences may not appeal to one’s logic
The reactions and suggestions may not necessarily click
The unfolding events may not appeal to one’s emotions
The passage of time acts as Nature’s self healing lotion

As one aims to retrieve and reflect on pieces of history
In one’s attempt to identify and provide clues to the mystery
One fails to accept that future and past can be non-linear
Absence of complete clarity may yet remain while facing up to one’s fear

It is not the complete control of all factors that reduces ambiguity
Acceptance of the dynamic changes helps one face up to uncertainty
The courage to aspire for a future beyond one’s current frailty
Establishes the foundation to embrace and create one’s own reality!

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