Sunday, March 28, 2010


The most abundant available molecule on Earth
No wonder its importance gets reflected in its true worth
It takes various forms categorized by phases of matter
Solid, Liquid or Steam it affects your life sooner than later

It always aims to balance temperature and pressure
The form it takes is a true reflection of existing nature
It moves continuously in cycles of evaporation and precipitation
Creating access to safe drinking water essential for human condition

Its presence be it the oceanic depths or the shallow river bed
Reflects the bonding energies of atoms tested on the head
It seems to have a strange chemistry with the ever green Salt
Just as its transparency gets tested on connecting with the volt

It is also commonly known as the Universal solvent
No wonder in today’s scenario its vulnerability creates a dent
There seems to be a clear link between economy and world population
Without doubt access to safe water is directly linked to income condition

Man seems to have finally made up his mind after facing beads of perspiration
No wonder that scientists across the world are stressing on water conservation
The ongoing negotiations and treaties to balance demand and supply condition
May yet play a critical role in the next leap of Nature’s creation and evolution!

1 comment:

Venu Bohini said...

Understand and appreciate the intent. Spreading awareness through your site on scarcely available natural resources is good. But that's just what I keep hearing on television, reading the newspaper....I have had enough sermonization and pontification.

Is is Dheeraj Solitaire or Bangurnagar that ran out of water while you were having your shower, which led you to come up with this poem....Just a thought....:):)

Or maybe I do not feel the pain/pinch as Belapur does not seem to have reached such crisis levels. Sometimes to truly appreciate something you got to go through the pain. May be I deserve a kick on my back side for my lack of sensitivity related to such a critical topic. It's just that I am tired of the information overload (may be all valid) on these environmental issues.