Saturday, March 27, 2010

Musical Fusion

I entered the Studio in abject state of confusion
I could no longer fathom the next source of creation
I seemed to be in a time zone caught up in a spin
It was getting difficult to filter out the whisky and the gin

I suddenly tripped up on the road side creepy stone
The impact flung me onto an island that seemed like home
The lights began to glare and the music began to sound
Unconsciously I was on the floor amidst the chorus and roar

The drums began its beat, the guitar stepped up the heat,
The conch began to blow and the rhythmic pipes were to follow
The flute sounds were pure melody, the violin was strung in ecstasy
The piano seemed to be playing in complete peace and harmony

Each one of them were in their own make believe world
The music so well aligned had me in its complete hold
Despite the frost and ice the fusion charge was completely sold
The time was ripe for the conductor to let go his traditional mould

The jury was whistling and the audience were swinging
The speakers were blaring and the cameras were glaring
The heat was on stage and it was no welcome mirage
One could only wish to set off the alarm bells that seemed to rage

Amidst the chaos and confusion, was born the eternal concoction
The essence sounded like nectar flowing from the garden of joy
Amidst the bliss of enchantment and love that was to follow
There was eternal peace as each aimed to outdo the other in the flow

The conception was unique in that the environment was divine
Each part seemed to be in rhythm and in a state of complete align
The acoustics seemed to bridge the gap as music flowed from the tap
It was no wonder that a masterpiece was born despite the glaring horn!

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