Tuesday, April 13, 2010


One of the core Universal elements that makes up your daily existence
In one form or the other it effortlessly ignites and merges into your life
It plays an anchoring role right from birth through death
Its sheer presence draws awe and respect reflecting its true worth

Be it the sparks that fly that generates airy heat of passion
Be it the warmth that it provides in frosty nights of winter
Be it the splendour of stars at the distance lighting up the nights
Be it the radiant sun the life of solar system that sustains order on earth

It becomes the fuel to light your furnace when in a state of combustion
It leaves behind a fragrance when it consumes the incense and camphor
It forms the central theme behind the most important rituals and traditions
When livid with anger it leaves nothing to imagination except trails of destruction

It presents a potent mixture ever alert to assimilate all in its wake
It leaves you to decide which of the forms you would like it to take
It demonstrates crystal clarity and what you see is what you get
It draws its strength when it works in tandem with symbiotic elements

Be it the passion that is responsible for your own conception
Be it the fuel that heats up the furnace responsible for your sustenance
Be it the warmth and light that it provides that brighten up your days and nights
Be it the final journey where it assimilates and leaves back no traces of your plight

It burns with an intensity letting out fiery heat and light
Your state of mind decides in your action to fight or take flight
When you pay it due respect it honours and reciprocates your gesture
When you literally kindle it you arouse its darker side that consumes your lair!

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