Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Right Distance

As I relaxed under the soothing moonlight starry sky
My mind suddenly turned hyper active like the flower hopping fly
I began to wonder regards the depth in relationships that truly matter
I began to question whether conscious distance avoids trace of clutter

It suddenly struck me that just today a couple of hours back
I was actually sweating and on the verge of a blackout under the midday sun
Now, just within a couple of hours under the same sky but under reflected light
It seemed so very pleasant and everything seemed to be just placed right

The further the distance from the ground more the freedom enjoyed by the kite
The further the distance from the core, the lesser is the power of gravity
What an inspiring contrasting thought – I needed to share the piece of insight
The right distance ought to be maintained in space to manage the pull of attraction

During the frosty winter, the burning cauldron provides you welcome relief
Yet to keep the cauldron burning indefinitely may send a wrong message
The environmentally conscious may speak about the evil of burning fossil fuel
It is high time one achieves balance in generating new solutions and let go the devil

To each one his pace and need to find his space
The need to find balance is just not akin to clicking the lens
Periodic takes and retakes helps one find his place in the sun
History will stand testimony to means adopted to get tasks done!

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